Eminem was not born in Detroit on 8 mile. Most people think this is true but this is not the case. Marshall Mathers, was actually born in St. Joseph, Missouri. Eminem and his mom moved around a lot and at age twelve the got pulled into Detroit and at age 14 Eminem started rapping. He started out with battle rapping at local clubs, and on the streets. He then realized that he loved rapping and he was really good at it. Eminem was raised by Deborah Mathers and struggled in poverty throughout his childhood.
"I have trust issues. With women, friends, whatever. You always wonder what their real motives are. Ive got a small circle of friends, and its a lot of the same friends Ive known forever. Right now, that works for me. I came out of some difficult things these past couple of years. I kind of feel like Im just now finding my footing. So I want to make sure thats secure before I go out and do anything else. I need to keep working on myself for a while."
Credit of: http://www.searchquotes.com/quotes/author/Eminem/
In the quote it shows that Eminem is starting to come back from his hard times. He had a lot of struggle with drugs and he would always try and get away from them , but no matter what he kept getting tangled up in it.
Eminem was not popular until he met famous producer and artist Dr. Dre. The first hour that they met they liked each other. They had formed a bond and tothe their they had come up with Eminems first record "The Slim Shady LP" witch was released in 1999 and was instantly a huge hit that had become a triple platinum record.
Credit of: http://www.eminem.net/biography/
Although that his last record was big, his next one "Marshall Mathers LP" was even bigger, and better. It was so big that it sold almost 2 million copies in the first week.
His last album was great but the people didn't like him much at all. He very quickly became the public eye of hatred. His own mom sued him because he made her sound bad, with some things that weren't true.
This is the real slim shady " Eminem" and this is what you may not know about him.
Photo credit of: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nicolee123nd/4929284447/sizes/m/in/photostream/
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